Advisory Councils
Mental Health Advisory Council:
Long-Term Care Connects
An advisory council focused on establishing research priorities in long-term care homes for residents living with a mental illness (i.e., anxiety, depression, PTSD) across Saskatchewan. To join this advisory council, you need to be living in Saskatchewan. Currently, we are recruiting past, current, and future long-term care residents living with a mental illness OR caregivers of long-term care residents living with a mental illness OR relevant care professionals involved in the long-term care sector. If interested, please email us at arcresearch (at) uregina (dot) ca with “Mental Health Advisory Council Signup” in the Subject Line.

Resident Advisory Council:
Long-Term Care Connects
Connecting past, current, and future residents and members of resident councils of long-term care homes across Canada to determine important research areas to promote equitable and inclusive care. We are currently not recruiting for this advisory council.

Staff Advisory Council:
Long-Term Care Connects
Connecting caregivers (e.g., family member of resident, friend of resident, member of family council) in long-term care homes across Canada to determine important research areas to promote equitable and inclusive care. We are currently not recruiting for this advisory council.

Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation (SHRF)
Advisory Council
Connecting individuals in Saskatchewan with a chronic disease, chronic illness, or chronic pain to help guide the implementation of a 12-week group therapy program. If interested, please email us at arcresearch (at) uregina (dot) ca with “SHRF Advisory Council Signup” in the Subject Line.

Caregiver Advisory Council: Long-Term Care Connects
Connecting staff members (e.g., care aide, nurse, recreation coordinator, director) in long-term care homes across Canada to determine important research areas to promote equitable and inclusive care. We are currently not recruiting for this advisory council.

Middle-Aged Resilience and Resistance Study (MARRS) Advisory Council
Connecting middle-aged (44 to 64 years old) and older adults (65 years old and older) across Canada to discuss current misconceptions on aging and the presence of ageism in today’s society. We are currently not recruiting for this advisory council.